Shop by
Developed and implemented branding for Shopby, a cloud-based e-commerce platform for customized online stores.

“shop by” provides core, minimal functionality enough to start an online business, based on customers needs.
NHN Commerce is a total e-commerce platform company in South Korea, which provides software to easily and quickly build an online shopping mall and provides various services launched “shop by” as a new service line-up as an entry-level online shopping mall starter.

Brand Statement
“shop by” sets ‘coexistence’ as its key value, standing apart from online shopping platforms focused solely on functional benefits.
With “shop by,” anyone can start an online shopping mall with just one product. Completed with the customer’s name, “shop by” transforms your name into your brand.

Brand Design Principle

Flexible symbol
“shop by” logo represents the brand working philosophy, which is ‘our key decision-maker is the customer.’ To maintain consistent relationships with the customers, we use the chat-box symbol mark as “shop by” logo.
Also, “shop by” flexible chat-box symbol mark can be drawn and filled with various colors, sizes and can contain everything! - Customer’s Name, Marketing Campaign, Co-work partner, Affiliate, Product & service name, etc.